AT LEAST 135 Teachers, Aides Have Been Arrested and Charged With Child Sex Crimes IN 2022 ALONE

The Left’s full-out embrace of sexualizing and grooming young children in the classroom has coincided with a massive uptick in school employees committing heinous sex crimes against their students. The issue has become so widespread that, in 2022 alone, law enforcement officials are arresting an average of almost one teacher per day for these sick acts.

Meanwhile, the Feds are targeting parents as domestic terrorists and Fauci just approved boosters for 5-11-year-olds.


A new analysis by Fox News Digital foundthat “at least” 135 individual teachers and teachers’ aides have been arrested for committing child sex crimes so far this year, with their crimes ranging from child pornography to raping students.

A shocking 102 of the 135 arrests directly involved sex crimes with a student at the school the teacher was employed.

According to the report, which compiled local news stories week by week that featured arrests of school employees in school districts across the country, the true number of incidents in 2022 could be even higher because arrests that weren’t confirmed publicly were not included in the final tally.

From Fox News:

“The analysis found that at least 135 teachers and teachers’ aides have been arrested in 41 states between January 1 and May 13, which works out to about an arrest a day on average

The vast majority [105 out of 135] of the arrested educators were men.”

Out of the 135 individuals arrested and charged, there were 124 teachers (7 substitutes) and 11 teacher aides.

It goes without saying that every single one of these crimes is sick and evil, however, there were many particularly egregious incidents that involved “heinous” accusations ranging from ‘sexual exploitation of a minor’ to ‘indecent liberties with a child, child seduction, and rape.”

Fox News detailed some of the worst examples:

“William Landon Smith, a 31-year-old former science teacher at Cape Fear High School in Fayetteville, North Carolina, was chargedwith 27 counts of first-degree sexual exploitation of a minor, 28 counts of indecent liberties with a student, and one count of secretly using or installing a photographic imaging device to arouse or gratify sexual desire on March 18.

Smith is accused of inappropriately communicating with students via social media apps like Snapchat when he was a teacher at Cape Fear…”

“John M. Doty, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Career Academy South Bend in Indiana, was charged with two counts of rape, one count of attempted rape and six counts of child seduction on Feb. 9. 

Doty is accused of repeatedly raping a 16-year-old female student and threatening to kill her. He is scheduled to stand trial in January 2023…”

“On April 11, police in California charged Anthony James Phillips, a 61-year-old former teacher at Cupertino Middle School in Sunnyvale, withaggravated sexual assault of a child, forcible penetration with a foreign object, and forcible penetration with a foreign object upon a child.

Phillips is accused of raping a student in 2009 when he was still a teacher at Cupertino…”

The calls for intervention following this surge in child sex abuse cases in public schools are growing louder by the day, with parents and activists across the country being jarred awake by the sickening, yet the inevitable end result of the Left’s evil child-grooming agenda.

According to Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Chris Rufo, who has long been an outspoken critic of Marxist radical sexual ideology in public schools, the lack of oversight and research into teacher sex crimes against students is a “travesty,” so, he is currently fighting for Congress to approve a $25 million dollar research program that will address the sickening problem in public schools.

After all – as Rufo points out, the number of students who are victimized by teachers every generation is in the millions, and that was in 2004. It’s scary to think what the numbers are now with what’s going on in schools these days.

Rufo explained to Fox News Digital:

“The public school system has a serious child sex abuse problem. The last significant federal study on this topic, which was conducted by the Department of Education in 2004, suggested that millions of American schoolchildren are victims of teacher sexual misconduct in each generation of K-12 students—and there hasn’t been any significant research since then. 

This is a travesty. Parents deserve to know exactly what’s happening in the public school system and deserve to have tools for protecting their children from abuse. Congress should immediately fund a $25 million research program into child sexual abuse in public schools and provide complete transparency for parents. The first duty of public schools is to keep kids safe—and, tragically, that’s not happening in far too many cases.”

American parents are fed up.


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