CUP Protest the Uprise of Tyranny in Nigeria

The Vanguard Student Unification Party at the University of Liberia has frowned at the rise of what it described as ruthless dictatorships in Nigeria and Guinea.

Momo Peters, Chairman of SUP, in a statement condemned the continued silence of the African Union and Economic Community of West African States, calling on the United Nations and international community to expeditiously intervene to restore harmony and tranquility in both countries. 

The statement reads, “SUP categorically frowns at the ruthless, brutal, bloody, and outrageous rise of dictatorships in the West African nations of Nigeria and Guinea. These unprecedented, unprovoked and disgusted killings of fellow Africans which have been perpetuated by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria President Mohammedu Buhari, and the President of the Republic of Guinea, Alpha Conde; are vicious, sinister and disdainfully inimical to the peace, stability, economic viability and tranquility of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) region and Africa at large. 

“Comrades, in 2016 a conscious movement was launched in Nigeria which have been calling  for the unconditional and uncensored disbandment of the Federal Government security agency named Special Anti-Robbery Squad widely known in Nigeria as SAR. These calls by conscious and courageous young Nigerians to end SAR came as a result of the security unit repeated and unfrighten instances of rape, torture, abused of power, extortion, harassment, murder, brutality, anarchy, and arm rubbery against innocent and harmless Nigerians.

“However, since 2016, the Government of President Buhari has claimed to have implemented reforms and restructurings so as to avoid those malicious reoccurrences of incessant crimes in a Federal security guard, but to the opposite, nothing has substantially been done since then and more peaceful and harmless Nigerians continue to be hijacked by these gangs of security whilst the people of Nigeria continue to live in an unending and unrestricted state of terror and horror.

“Comrades, while we are yet to authenticate the so-called pronouncement by the government of Nigeria on its claims that it has disbanded the unit, we downrightly condemn the most recent efforts by President Buhari to clampdown on the protesters in which live bullets were shot at peaceful protesters in LekkiToll Gate, Lagos in which several are reported dead and scores more injured.

“The black-fascist in President Buhari has so far killed over 56 persons since this historic and leaderless campaign to End SAR begun. This senseless, inhumane and touted rise of violence against the people of Nigeria by the Buhari regime is immoral and intolerable. This is pure madness, and SUP sees this as a vicious attack against international laws and treaties. This malicious and callous attack and killings of peaceful Nigerians violate Article: 3, 20, and 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article: 1, 6, and 7 of the African Youth Chapter, and chapter 4, Article: 4. sec. 1, and 2, and  chapter 6, Article: 15. sec. 3 of the African Chapter on Democracy, Elections and Governance.”

On Guinea, the party said, “Comrades, since the 82 years old mindless dictator in President Alpha Conde of Guinea announced his plans to amend the constitution of the Republic of Guinea in early 2020, the capitol of the sisterly nation of Guinea has been rippled with mass protest against such move, accompany by premeditated police brutality and unrepentant violence against the people of Guinea.

“This violence continues to persist despite calls from local and international bodies scolding President Alpha Conde to halt his politically motivated constitutional amendment. Comrades, the recent wave of elections related violence in the sisterly nation of Guinea is atrocious and horrendous to the peace and stability of the ECOWAS region. President Alpha Conde has continued to reckon voices of dissents, chase and incarcerate opposition leaders, kill peaceful protesters, and is currently making every attempt to falsify the just ended elections result and to criminalize his way to power so as to accord himself a self-proclaimed elections victory. 

“SUP believes that the move by President Alpha Conde of Guinea who continues to perpetuate himself in power and to impose his monocratic regime on the people of Guinea must never be tolerated and should be resisted by all progressive minds. Gone are those days on the African continent when brutal and horrific dictators will have a breeding ground and an airy inch of survival. President Conde’s actions clearly violate Article: 1, 5, and 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article: 1, 6, of the African Youth Chapter and Article 1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights. The current happenings in Guinea possess a potential rise of tension in the West African region, and could further becloud the future of democracy in the region. An urgent step must be taken now to help the people of Guinea.”

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