Voting for Trump as a multi-issue voter

Analysis: no post-convention bump for President Trump | KOMO

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump attends a campaign rally at Des Moines International Airport in Iowa on Wednesday.
(photo credit: REUTERS)
There are many American Jews who will be voting for US President Donald Trump because of his support for Israel.
These so-called one-issue voters will use their ballots to express gratitude to the president for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, moving the US Embassy there, recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, the peace agreements with UAE and Bahrain and breaking America’s dangerous deal with Iran.

But there are many more reasons to vote for Trump. Americans should not only be voting for Trump because of what he has done for Israel. They should be voting for Trump because of what he has done for America.
Let’s start with the economy. Under Trump, the gross domestic product grew by 4.1% in 2019 and by 5.4% in 2018, numbers that were previously thought impossible to reach.
The Trump administration’s tax cuts save thousands of dollars a year for American families. Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which he signed into law on December 22, 2017, was the largest overhaul of the tax code in three decades.
Trump created 6.6 million jobs in his first three years in office, a 4.4% increase over the 152.2 million people working at the end of Obama’s term. A large portion of the jobs came from companies returning to the US from China and other countries, due to incentives Trump initiated.
He also created thousands of jobs thanks to his energy policies rescinding fracking restrictions in December 2017. The president signed an executive order in April 2019 that made it easier to build oil and gas pipelines, which made America the world’s largest petroleum producer.
Like in every country, the economic numbers will not be as good in 2020, due to the challenges of fighting COVID-19. But Americans need to be thankful that Trump was running the economy during the coronavirus crisis, because he minimized its damage to both our livelihood and our lives.
The 225,000 Americans who lost their lives due to COVID-19 are each a terrible tragedy. But it had been estimated that 2.2 million Americans could have died from the virus, and that did not happen, thanks to the policies of Trump.
From closing down the country to anyone coming from China, to encouraging the development of rapid testing, Trump has done what is necessary to minimize the harm done by the coronavirus.
All predictions that hospitals would be overwhelmed were proven false. Trump made sure that there would be enough ventilators for anyone who needed them. He used executive orders when necessary to procure ventilators, masks and other protective gear.
Now his goal is to ensure that a vaccine will be available to all Americans as soon as possible. Operation Warp Speed is a public and private partnership initiated by the Trump administration to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.
There have been incentives provided to companies to develop a vaccine, and the company that succeeds in completing a ready-to-use vaccine first will be rewarded. Meanwhile, the development of therapeutic medicine has saved lives.
There is no doubt that Trump could have set a better example and should have done more to encourage the wearing of masks. Sure, his demeanor and personality could be off-putting to some. But his policies have been spot-on – successful, powerful, productive and patriotic.
Trump also protected Americans through his support of law enforcement. He put a stop to the chaos, violent riots and looting that had shut down major cities.
The rioters took over federal buildings and tried to burn them down. Trump restored order and stability. His continued support for law enforcement will help ensure the security of Americans in the future.
The United States returned to the forefront of the international fight against terrorism under Trump. The world is a safer place without arch-terrorists Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Qasem Soleimani.
The media’s predictions of mass violence following targeted killings were incorrect in retrospect. The unprofessional treatment of Trump by the media over the past four years is another reason to defiantly vote to reelect the president.
Social media accounts have been suspended and shut down for political reasons. Rights and privileges have been taken away by those who have shown no tolerance for opposing views.
America cannot and should not be manipulated by big tech and some of the fourth estate. Free speech is our inviolable right.
Defeating the Left and stopping its abuse of power is yet another reason to cast a ballot for the president. Warnings of undemocratic steps like packing the Supreme Court or adding two states for partisan reasons demonstrates the Left’s manipulation of the integrity of our revered Constitution.
Leftist radicals have been destroying monuments. But they cannot change history. History has proven that America is the ultimate safe haven for people regardless of their views, race, religion and ethnicity. All Americans should be thankful to live in our great country.
In the first term of Donald Trump as president, he made America great again, and he also made the US-Israel relationship greater than ever.
Trump’s second term can be greater on all these fronts. But it depends on him receiving enough votes, whether they come from one-issue voters or those who care about a variety of issues when they cast their ballots.

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