AREAS WITH CONCERN IN THE ENGLISH GRAMMAR (i)Allomorph: The term, “allomorph” is used to show variations in different bound morphemes that are remarkable for the formation of numbers and also as tense marker in the study of language. Some of these bound morphemes are “s” “ed”, “en” etc. these morphemes are usually conditioned either phonologically or morphologically. The phonologically conditioned allomorphs establish variations within the sound of different morphemes or same bound morpheme in different words. This is particularly relevant in both formation of numbers among verbs and nouns and also indication of certain tenses of different verbs. Allomorph occurs in like manner with alternation of linguistic properties, allophone, consonant mutation and suppletion in the study of the English grammar. The allomorph relevant for the formation of numbers among different nouns is the “s” bound morpheme. This is phonologically conditioned to take variant forms. The “s” allomorph