Mont. Gov. Signs Bill Banning Sanctuary Cities In State

Gov. Greg Gianforte (R-MT). (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
Montana Governor Greg Gianforte (R) signed a bill to ban sanctuary cities throughout the state. On Wednesday, Gianforte signed the bill, which will require Montana cities to comply with federal immigration laws. This is a move that supporters have said will prevent large amounts of criminal activity.
"We are a nation of laws, and immigration laws will be enforced in Montana. Criminal, illegal aliens who pose public safety threats to our communities have no sanctuary in Montana," Gov. Greg Gianforte (@GovGianforte) told the @DailyCaller before signing the bill.
— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) March 31, 2021
The bill will empower the state’s attorney general to pursue legal action against jurisdictions that do not comply with the legislation, including fines and withholding state funds from those cities. While there aren’t any sanctuary cities in Montana yet, opponents have asserted the bill will promote a greater divide between minority communities and law enforcement.
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