Undoubtedly one of the most colourful politicians of his rogue generation, Godswill Akpabio, former governor of Akwa Ibom State, former Minority Leader and former senator, is what bombasts would call tailor-made. Until recently, he had a way of fitting into all manner of jankara political wears, whether Tokunbo or Nigeria-use. When he switched camps and helped the ruling party tame the headship of the judiciary, then considered the most-potent threat to the electoral wellness of his new friends (those who no know, no go know), the hitherto undisputed galala man of Uyo, was thought to be starting a new journey on an old path, when it was even the president and the original número uno of his new conclave that welcomed him “home.” But like a fading lantern with little sustenance oil, the one who constantly desires the president’s table, regardless of who is supplying dinner, slipped into the reverie of the election that should have brought him back roaring against his former allies in Akwa Ibom as well as Abuja, the seat of power shenanigans. Godswill is yet to take permanent mansion in obscurity, but his “star” is dimming.

Also read: Akpabio's Fall is a Prophecy Fulfilled

His recently-acquired associates cried out days back, that among his new friends in the state and possibly elsewhere, integrity; that magical key that opens and locks doors of come-and-chop in the current administration, is being used to harass their leader, especially over his poorly-conceived ministerial ambition. It is understandable if the self-canonised Uncommon Transformer is desperate.

After obliterating his estranged benefactor, ex-Governor Victor Attah, Akpabio must have thought he was headed to the moon, considering his gidigba foothold in Goodluck Jonathan’s Aso Rock, but like others before him, attempting to operate omniscient capabilities within a crooked mind, he programmed a friend-turned-enemy into political influence that anyone without conscience can always use to mess up any godfather-wannabe, either in Alausa or Igbo-Etiti. You may ask why disgruntled godsons in such position as Udom Emmanuel, had never succeeded in rubbing the Lagos godfather, Bola Tinubu’s nose in the mud. Bibire (Yoruba’s fervent belief that benefactors should not be publicly shamed) is all that is making the difference. If the independence-seeking godsons in the South-West try to keep their frustration with either Tinubu or other home-based mini-gods in check as much as possible, at least to the extent that Yoruba won’t label them alaseju (the immodest), it is largely cultural, not because anyone owns anywhere. At least that is certain to me, God says the earth is His and the fullness thereof.

Instead of jumping into the gutters with benefactors, a Bibire Yoruba would rather jump into either of anecdotes or deeply-constructive proverbs, to jibe. Immediate past Ogun governor, Ibikunle Amosun was undoubtedly incensed when President Buhari’s campaign landed at his base as governor. He wanted to roast two former benefactors; Tinubu, former Governor Segun Osoba and Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, who were also in attendance. Like other clime, he had the latitude to lash the conniving trio and their acolytes present. Buhari won’t rebuke him. In fact, the president, has since the incident, shown that his friendship with the Baba Onifila Gogoro is worth all his presidency and person. But the Yoruba valued-values won’t allow him. He simply went the way of a scathing proverb; “a nberu alaja, aja ro wipe ohun la nberu” (a worthless fellow who is being ignored because of a respected person who has responsibility to him). Without doubt, that was also heavy, but it would be for anyone who considereth himself a dog and has a owner holding the leash.

Am I saying other cultures lack the finesse of the Yoruba race? Can’t conclusively make such a claim when I have limited information about contending cultures, but if relational gauge would serve as appropriate window to the world beyond the rig of my nose, it can be safely concluded that there is something to Yorubaness and self-restraint.

In APC, Akpabio seems to have bigger fights than the tiff between him and his former alleged investment banker, political protégé, godson-governor and now enemy-within. His new friends don’t hold prisoners as a principle. You stand in the way, you are either bent or broken. Akpabio learnt this early enough and begged South-South undisputed leader Rotimi Amaechi. But by his political make, enemies would always mass around his desire. In his heart, Godswill knows PDP is home even if he eats iftar in the villa every Ramadan. His contest with Udom may be unpalatable, but that could be the political lessons he badly needs, to look back and make straight some crooked paths, like locking his own benefactor, Attah, out of the stadium the old man began as governor during his 70th birthday.

The cliché that nothing lasts forever may never make any impact on man again, except he becomes an example to himself. I remember a governor’s intervention in the Udom/Akpabio boomerang. What was said to be the real wahala, can’t be printed here, but it is likely both would never share such privileged accusations with their cheerleaders. If what the governor said was the real issue, then the godfather/godson feud is still within the realm of their game, which can still be played without rupturing each other’s oesophagus like vultures. I’m not for godfatherism, but God will definitely use someone for someone. If Akpabio was destined to be Udom’s ladder, it would do the governor well, not to use everything as firewood. Maybe, just maybe.


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